
Friday, June 29, 2012

Reasons I LOVE Scent of a Woman

A (mostly) pictoral essay.

  First things first. If you don't know about this, you should.
Such a gorgeously shot and smoldering tango scene has never been witnessed in a drama.
  Secondly, Kim Sun Ah and Lee Dong Wook. Kim Sun Ah was already pretty much my favorite Korean actress, but this drama made me fall madly in love with Dong Wook. This love was only deepened by Wild Romance and The Recipe, btw. Both are great actors, and their chemistry was incredible. Crackling, I tell you, crackling!

  I love that Kim Sun Ah makes all her characters unique. Sure, they may have some characteristics that are somewhat common in dramaland, but she always puts a spin on things to make them stand out. Also, each character is quirky, but always in a different way, making each memorable and unique.
  Wookie also took a character that could have been simple and formulaic and made him a richly drawn individual of great depth of personality. And he does it with subtlety and style. He floors me.

 Okay, on to more pictures. I love this most fabulous polka-dot dress

This whole scene, but mostly their black mouths

This face
The other Miss Lee

Ramses (and his wig)

Really, I love any tango scene, but they seriously smolder here.

And it's not a broken type smolder, either.

This face
after realizing his sulky reply may have just lost him a chance at Yeon Jae's company.

This car

The best/only way to collapse a tent

     Adorable bike rides (complete with imminent doom of crashing because you can't see where you're going)

No explanation necessary

This relationship
So sweet and loving, even through their differences

This relationship

This relationship

And especially this relationship

  Another thing I love about this drama is the maturity of the relationship between Yeon Jae and Ji Wook. They each grow and develop because the other is in their life. They both decide to actually live their lives, and to stop going through the motions. There are short bouts of jealousy and many misunderstandings, but they don't let those things interfere for long with what really matters—their mutual love and acceptance. Besides their great physical chemistry, they have a deep emotional bond that allows them to open up to each other. Even relatively early on in their relationship, Ji Wook weeps (manfully) in Yeon Jae's arms while coming to terms with his deepest wounds. I love how in kdramas men get emotional. They cry. It's not a big deal. And I find it more appealing when men can show their emotions and aren't ashamed of expressing those things.
  Personally, I have a stone cold heart, and generally hate movies/books/dramas that make me cry. But even I got a little teary watching this drama, and I loved it. Sad tears, happy tears, tears of laughter, I experienced them all. This drama is to me a great example of how dramas should be—full of humor, drama, heart, and beautiful people. Oh wait, I meant to say tangoes. Or great acting. Or something of substance. Like a good moral. In the end, it's a story about learning to live, no matter your circumstances.

One last thing to love.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I love about this enthralling drama is the fact that Ji Wook seems like an atypical rich boy. His hidden layers that slowly become reveled as the drama progresses defiantly endear him to the watcher and forces Yeon Jae to adapt to various challenges she faces instead of giving up on life.
